Whole Family Massage Christena Clark LMT
Professional Massage Therapy


A Natural Approach to Healing


Heal your body naturally. I'm a quality centered Massage Therapist. I am also a firm believer in an integrative and natural approach to healing. The human body is made up of the mind, body, and spirit. All three must be in working order, so that a free flow of energy is achieved. Through my practice, I work hard to release this energy and promote well-being for the whole family. I believe all ages benefit from massage, and will do my best to provide age appropriate custom sessions for each member of your family. I am currently working towards attaining varied certifications to enhance my practice to better serve my clients. LN#12627

Please contact me by phone or email to set up an appointment and to answer any questions you might have!

Currently seeking an office location and will update soon.  Presently, all massage sessions will be in your home or office by appointment . 

Be well,

Christena Clark LMT